North Harrison Elementary Announcements
SHAMROCK SHOUT-OUT: Presley Bradley, Kellan Irvin & Hadlee Joiner x2
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Gracie Johnson yesterday
Today’s Lunch: Taco, Refried Beans, Salad Bar or Chef Salad Grades 3-5
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Fruit/Juice
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Chicken Tenders, French Fries, Baby Carrots, Salad Bar or Chef Salad for Grades 3-5
Chef Salad Options: Mon-Grilled Chicken, Tues-Taco, Wed-Crispy Chicken, Thurs-Fajita Chicken, Fri-Ham
CHARACTER WORD OF THE MONTH- Honesty - being truthful in what you say and do
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Huddle every Wednesday morning 7:30-7:45 NEW TIME in Mrs McKiernan’s room with Miss Jodi and Miss Val and will be led by the students.
Nutrition Classes will begin this Thursday, Jan 23 for Preschool & Kindergarten Classes
PTO Daddy Daughter Dance will be Feb 8. Forms have been sent & emailed home. Please return to the office soon.
Little & Mini Rocks Cheer Camp practices will be Feb 6, 7 & 10, Performance Feb 11. Forms have been sent & emailed home. Please return to the office soon.
Homecoming Week January 21-24 “We Got The Beat!”
Tuesday-The Lion Sleeps Tonight-wear you pajamas
Wednesday-Party In The USA-wear Red, White & Blue
Thursday-Shoulda Been A Cowboy, wear western/cowboy
Friday-We Will Rock You, wear Green & White
Hall Duty: Mrs Irvin & Mrs Reno
Next Week: Mrs Joiner & Mrs Norris
Early Recess Duty: Mrs Joiner, Miss Cox, Miss Brandy, Mrs Gibson, Mrs Woods & Miss Val
Recess Duty: 11:15-11:35 Mrs Gibson 11:20-11:45 Mrs Williams
12:10-12:30 Mrs Lewis 12:25 Mr Long