North Harrison Elementary Announcements
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Rhyker Johnson on Saturday
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Alfredo, Breadstick, Green Beans, Salad Bar or Chef Salad Grades 3-5
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Egg, Ham & Cheese Croissant, Fruit/Juice
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Chicken Fajita w/Veggies, Salad Bar or Chef Salad Grades 3-5
Chef Salad Options: Mon-Grilled Chicken, Tues-Taco, Wed-Crispy Chicken, Thurs-Fajita Chicken, Fri-BLT
CHARACTER WORD OF THE MONTH: Responsible - being dependable, making good choices and taking accountability for your actions
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Huddle every Wednesday morning 7:30-7:45 NEW TIME in Mrs McKiernan’s room with Miss Jodi and Miss Val and will be led by the students.
PTO Meeting Wednesday, October 15 @ 6:00 in the Cafeteria
End of 1st Quarter is Friday, October 18 and AR Deadline.
1st Quarter AR Party is Tuesday, October 22 in the afternoon.
No School on Thursday, October 24 for Parent Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be from 1:00-7:00.
No School on Friday, October 25.
Hall Duty: Mrs Irvin & Mrs Joiner
Next Week: Mrs Lewis & Mrs McKiernan
Early Recess Duty: Mrs Joiner, Miss Cox, Miss Brandy, Mrs Gibson, Mrs Woods & Miss Val
Recess Duty: 11:15-11:35 Miss Cox 11:20-11:45 Miss Briggs
12:10-12:30 Mrs Norris 12:10-12:25 Mr Long