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Gold Winner at FCCLA STAR Event

We have a GOLD Medal Winner headed to the State FCCLA STAR Event competition in March at Tan-Tar-A!

Katelyn Briggs competed in the Food Innovation event. She had to make 12 batches of cookies (3 kinds, four times) where she reduced the sugar content to 10g or less and still have a delicious cookie. She had to follow Serv-Safe Rules, document all testing and actions taken to make her cookies, calculate the cost, design packages, make nutrition labels, and analyze any problems with packaging and shipment in her hypothetical business. She also gave a 10 minute presentation. Overall, she worked hard and scored 99/100!

Give it up for Katelyn for SHAMROCKing this competition!!!

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North Harrison R-III12023 Fir StreetEagleville, MO  64442

660-867-5221Fax: 660-867-5263

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