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Family & Consumer Sciences Courses

March 31, 2015


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Family & Consumer Sciences Courses


Career & Family Leadership
Career and Family Leadership is a course designed for students who have not taken a Family and Consumer Science (FACS) course. The units of study will include: learning how individuals develop and function in the family, work in the community setting, and how they relate to their physical, social, emotional and intellectual environments. A component will also include career exploration and its impact on families. This course also includes the basics of cooking, food safety, and sanitation.  We will also include a unit on the basics of sewing and the students will need to provide their own sewing kit and supplies for their project. Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) activities will be integral part of this course.

Foods, Nutrition & Wellness
This semester course for tenth through twelfth graders is designed to prepares individuals to understand the principles of nutrition; the relationship of nutrition to health and wellness; the selection, preparation and care of food; meal management to meet individual and family food needs and patterns of living; optimal use of the food dollar; understanding and promoting nutritional knowledge; and application of related math and science skills.  Students will study food preservation, processing, and preparation.  They will develop writing and reasoning skills through measuring, recording, and writing laboratory and short research projects; and predicting and evaluating laboratory results.  Students in this course will perform the more advanced cooking procedures so it is recommended students take FACS 1/Career and Family first.  If someone in our community has food they would like to donate for the preservation laboratory, we also harvest it during class.  As a class we have picked grapes and apples to preserve.  We have received donations of green beans and tomatoes which were also used in a preservation laboratory.

Family Living & Parenthood
This course is designed to prepare individuals to understand the nature, function, and significant of human relationships within the family/individual unit. This class includes: instruction in the concepts and principles related to various family living conditions, including abuse prevention; the establishment and maintenance of relationships; the preparation for marriage, parenthood, and family life; and the socialization and developmental needs of individuals.

Housing Environment & Design
This course will enable students to learn the physical, psychological, and social influences on housing decisions. The study will also focus on the varied types of housing, cost; exteriors, and interior design; home furnishing and equipment; and the selection, use and care of available resources for achieving improved living space to meet individuals and family needs.  In this class, students will develop a computerized floor plan for a home, select furnishings using the elements and principles of design, make a display board; then present it to the class.

Child Development, Care & Guidance I and II
This instructional program studies the intellectual, social, emotional, and biological development of children and the planning and design of related human services. It includes instruction in conception, prenatal care, the birth process,  parent-child relations, parenting practices, special needs of children, parental and environmental influences on child development, external support services, social, intellectual, and emotional well-being of children, and related public policy issues.  

Apparel and Textiles
Students will be introduced to the fashion / textile industry both past and present.  They will develop an understanding of the different fabrics and fibers as well as their uses.  Students will demonstrate basic hand and machine sewing skills.  They will be required to make a garment and craft item.  If time permits they may do more than one.  Students need to provide the materials and equipment to complete their projects.  We will also focus on how technology has changed the textile industry as well as develop career awareness.